Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Truth About Fluoride and Infants (Natural News)

Thursday, October 20, 2011 by: Doug Cragoe
Fluoride and infants - Why parents are not being told about fluorosis

 (NaturalNews) Millions of infants have been overdosed with fluoride due to powdered infant formula being combined with fluoridated tap water. Parents, who prepare infant formula, have been deliberately kept in the dark regarding the risks of this overdose, for the simple reason that it casts doubt on water fluoridation. Because newborns only consume liquids, they receive much larger doses of fluoride than adults when you factor in body size. This overdose increases the risk of fluorosis.

In 2006 the Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association posted warnings on their websites advising caution when preparing powdered infant formula. They suggested parents use non-fluoridated water to avoid the increased risk of fluorosis. Fluorosis is a developmental disturbance that causes permanent spots or streaks to appear on a child`s teeth. Today there is increasing scientific evidence that fluorosis also results in a lowered IQ and more bone fractures. Called a "low grade chronic poisoning" by H. Trendly Dean, the father of fluoridation, fluorosis has always been a negative side effect of water fluoridation. It was accepted as a trade-off for reducing tooth decay through fluoridation. But the latest survey showed that 40% of American teenagers have fluorosis. This year the federal government proposed lowering the amount of fluoride added to tap water to reduce fluorosis.

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