A proposal to reduce the amount of fluoride in Milwaukee's drinking
water will be considered by a city council committee on Tuesday, but a
last-minute amendment backed by several aldermen also directs the
Milwaukee Water Works and the Health Department to tell citizens of the
potential risk fluoridated water poses to babies under six months of
The original plan, backed by Ald. Jim Bohl, calls on the water works
to reduce the amount of fluoride to 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter
of water. That measure is the standard the federal Department of Health
and Human Services has recommended that the nation's water systems
adopt. That proposed standard, which has not been fully implemented
nationwide, would replace the current recommended range of 0.7 to 1.2
milligrams of fluoride per liter of water.
Milwaukee's fluoride level is 1.1 milligrams of fluoride per liter.
Full Article Found Here: Click Here For Article
This is just the beginning a reduction and warning are the 1st steps toward removing Fluoride from our water. Please contact your alderperson and tell them to remove the Fluoride from our Water!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Milwaukee Aldermen Vote to Hold Fluoridation Issue - Call to Action
Water Fluoridation opponents and proponents met in Milwaukee today, to debate Water Fluoridation in the city. The Common Council Steering and Rules Committee had the ability to eliminate water fluoridation if it chose to. After 8 hours of testimony, the committee voted to hold the legislation until the next convening of that committee.
Experts like FAN Director Dr. Paul Connett, Dr. Bill Osmundson, and Dr. Yolanda Whyte presented in favor of eliminating Water fluoridation in the city. They did a fine job answering all of the questions the council presented.
Many of the Aldermen said they needed more time to sort through the information. Alderman Bohl and Alderman Bauman would've voted today to eliminate Water Fluoridation. Ald. Davis, Ald. Zielinski, and Ald. Hines seemed to be on the fence. Ald. Witkowski was not ready to make a decision, Ald. Murphy seemed to be in favor of continuing Fluoridation, and Ald. Hamilton had to leave early, but did seem to be in favor of elimination. Many of the Aldermen seemed genuinely interested in pursuing this further, so we need your help to maintain their interest.
We would like to thank Alderman Bohl for his efforts so far, and his continued push on this issue. he was overly prepared.
It is on us now to make this an issue! Please contact every Alderperson, especially the ones on the Steering and Rules Committee. CONTACT - Call them, email them, schedule appointments. We need our voices to be heard. NUMEROUS dental agencies showed up to fight against removing fluoride from the water. This isn't even a dental issue it's a toxicological issue. PLEASE inform your friends and get involved, view our Spread The Word page and print off fliers to spread: SPREAD THE WORD -
Thank You!!
Experts like FAN Director Dr. Paul Connett, Dr. Bill Osmundson, and Dr. Yolanda Whyte presented in favor of eliminating Water fluoridation in the city. They did a fine job answering all of the questions the council presented.
Many of the Aldermen said they needed more time to sort through the information. Alderman Bohl and Alderman Bauman would've voted today to eliminate Water Fluoridation. Ald. Davis, Ald. Zielinski, and Ald. Hines seemed to be on the fence. Ald. Witkowski was not ready to make a decision, Ald. Murphy seemed to be in favor of continuing Fluoridation, and Ald. Hamilton had to leave early, but did seem to be in favor of elimination. Many of the Aldermen seemed genuinely interested in pursuing this further, so we need your help to maintain their interest.
We would like to thank Alderman Bohl for his efforts so far, and his continued push on this issue. he was overly prepared.
It is on us now to make this an issue! Please contact every Alderperson, especially the ones on the Steering and Rules Committee. CONTACT - Call them, email them, schedule appointments. We need our voices to be heard. NUMEROUS dental agencies showed up to fight against removing fluoride from the water. This isn't even a dental issue it's a toxicological issue. PLEASE inform your friends and get involved, view our Spread The Word page and print off fliers to spread: SPREAD THE WORD -
Thank You!!
Vote on the Dangers of Fluoride, Then Come to City Hall
Please take a moment to vote on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's website, there is a poll question asking people if Fluoride should be removed from Milwaukee Drinking Water. Please vote "YES." this poll is revealing that so many people have no idea, what Fluoride is or that it isn't good for you. Please spread the word to everyone you know! Look at Health Effects and 10 Facts find out why America is one of the last remaining countries to Fluoridate it's waters.
Also Please come to City Hall Today (Thursday May, 31st) at 1:30PM. There is a hearing on Water Fluoridation in front of the Common Council's Steering and Rules Committee in Room 301-B. We need our voices to be heard! Spread the Word!!
Also Please come to City Hall Today (Thursday May, 31st) at 1:30PM. There is a hearing on Water Fluoridation in front of the Common Council's Steering and Rules Committee in Room 301-B. We need our voices to be heard! Spread the Word!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Anti-Fluoridation Movement Steams Forward
Alderman Bohl held a news conference today, explaining his anti-Fluoridation stance. We hope to have more coverage of the conference later. This is the first acknowledgment by the city's Major Newspaper: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Milwaukee Alderman Introduces Legislation to End Water Fluoridation
Ald. Bohl proposes legislation to stop Milwaukee’s fluoridation program:
Sources: http://bayviewcompass.com/archives/11395
http://www.thewheelerreport.com/releases/May12/0522/0522bohl.pdf (Original Copy)
New research shows that ingesting fluoride delivers health risks without benefit of less tooth decay which makes water fluoridation obsolete, unhealthy and a waste of money, and that is why I introduced legislation today calling for the end of Milwaukee’s water fluoridation program.
Fluoride chemicals have been added to Milwaukee’s water supply since 1953 when it was believed that ingested fluoride incorporated into children’s developing teeth would resist cavities. But science disproved that theory.
There is little convincing scientific evidence that swallowing fluoride actually reduces tooth decay. According to World Health Organization figures there is virtually no difference in tooth decay in 12-year-olds whether they have grown up in fluoridated or non-fluoridated countries. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that fluoride hardens teeth from topical application and swallowing fluoride can lead to fluoride overdose symptoms such as dental fluorosis (yellowing, brown, white spotting or pitted teeth). Fluorosis rates increased from 22% of teens in 1986 to an alarming 41% in 2010, according to CDC statistics. If fluoride works topically why are we forcing people to swallow it, especially those who after doing their own research on the issue have emphatically stated that they do not wish to drink fluoridated water? If any one wants fluoride in Milwaukee they can buy fluoridated toothpaste and brush it onto their teeth and spit it out. Milwaukee shouldn’t be playing either doctor or dentist to our citizens. We are not qualified to do this and those who urge us to continue accept no legal responsibility for any harm it may be causing.
It’s accepted that fluoride can also damage bones, but no studies have researched the bone damage caused to children with fluoride-induced tooth damage. The condition of teeth and bones may be the least of our worries, however. There have now been 26 published studies that indicate an association between fairly modest exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children. Promoters tell us that the level we add to water is very small (1.1 milligram per liter or 1.1 ppm) but that is actually greater than 250 times the level of fluoride that occurs in mothers’ milk (0.004 ppm, National Research Council, 2006, p.40).
Further, the prestigious National Research Council’s (NRC) 2006 fluoride report revealed that fluoride, even in low doses, can harm the thyroid gland, kidney patients, babies and high water drinkers. They also report studies linking fluoride to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). A study conducted at Harvard in 2001 and published in 2006 showed that young boys exposed to fluoridated water in their 6th to 8th years had a 5-7 fold increased risk of succumbing to osteosarcoma by the age of 20. Despite promises that this study would be refuted, no published study has done so.
As a result of the afore mentioned NRC report, government, health and dental organizations now advise against routinely mixing fluoridated water into infant formula to avoid dental fluorosis.
The National Kidney Foundation is among a growing list of organizations that has withdrawn its support of water fluoridation saying, “Individuals with CKD [Chronic Kidney Disease] should be notified of the potential risk of fluoride exposure.” The American Dental Association itself now admits fluoride is a concern to all kidney patients, not just those on dialysis.
Fluoride is not a nutrient or essential for healthy teeth. Fluoride is regulated as a drug in toothpaste by the FDA. Fluoride supplements have never been FDA safety tested and it classifies fluoride as an “unapproved drug.” The EPA regards the type of fluoride used to supplement water supplies as a contaminant. Even the CDC reports on its website saying, “It is not CDC’s task to determine what levels of fluoride in water are safe.” If it is not the CDC’s task, and the FDA refuses to do it, then whose task is it? Is the Milwaukee Common Council expected to do this?
While the less toxic calcium fluoride does appear in some waters naturally (.17 ppm in Lake Michigan water), Milwaukee adds hydrofluosilicic acid, a waste product of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing captured in its smokestacks, trucked as hazardous waste then injected unpurified into the water supply. These industrial grade fluoridation chemicals contain trace amounts of lead, arsenic, mercury, and other toxins. Arsenic is a known human carcinogen for which there is no safe level. By using these fluoridating chemicals we are knowingly increasing the cancer risk for our citizens. Why should we take these risks to reduce a negligible amount of tooth decay? Such a policy is reckless to say the least.
The ADA continues to actively promote the expansion of water fluoridation programs at the same time the CDC admits growing numbers of kids are fluoride-overdosed. National statistics show that tooth decay has grown in numbers and severity in toddlers more recently, and untreated tooth decay has grown in many age groups. The Pew Foundation reports “preventable dental conditions were the primary reason for 830,590 ER visits by Americans in 2009—a 16 percent increase from 2006.”
Americans are fluoride-overdosed and dentist-deficient. The lack of accessible, affordable dental care to many Milwaukee and Wisconsin residents has been widely reported. With no evidence, some claim that fluoridation helps the poor the most. Actually, the poor and malnourished are the most harmed by fluoride. They also are least in a position to afford expensive filtration systems required to remove fluoride from water, making this an environmental justice situation. According to civil rights leader and former mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young, “I am most deeply concerned for poor families who have babies: if they cannot afford unfluoridated water for their babies’ milk formula, do their babies not count?”
We have served as guinea pigs in this ongoing and failed experiment for far too long. In my position as Alderman, it is my duty to promote the health, safety and welfare of all our residents. Adding fluoride chemicals into our public water supply runs counter to this and therefore needs to end.
Sources: http://bayviewcompass.com/archives/11395
http://www.thewheelerreport.com/releases/May12/0522/0522bohl.pdf (Original Copy)
New research shows that ingesting fluoride delivers health risks without benefit of less tooth decay which makes water fluoridation obsolete, unhealthy and a waste of money, and that is why I introduced legislation today calling for the end of Milwaukee’s water fluoridation program.
Fluoride chemicals have been added to Milwaukee’s water supply since 1953 when it was believed that ingested fluoride incorporated into children’s developing teeth would resist cavities. But science disproved that theory.
There is little convincing scientific evidence that swallowing fluoride actually reduces tooth decay. According to World Health Organization figures there is virtually no difference in tooth decay in 12-year-olds whether they have grown up in fluoridated or non-fluoridated countries. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that fluoride hardens teeth from topical application and swallowing fluoride can lead to fluoride overdose symptoms such as dental fluorosis (yellowing, brown, white spotting or pitted teeth). Fluorosis rates increased from 22% of teens in 1986 to an alarming 41% in 2010, according to CDC statistics. If fluoride works topically why are we forcing people to swallow it, especially those who after doing their own research on the issue have emphatically stated that they do not wish to drink fluoridated water? If any one wants fluoride in Milwaukee they can buy fluoridated toothpaste and brush it onto their teeth and spit it out. Milwaukee shouldn’t be playing either doctor or dentist to our citizens. We are not qualified to do this and those who urge us to continue accept no legal responsibility for any harm it may be causing.
It’s accepted that fluoride can also damage bones, but no studies have researched the bone damage caused to children with fluoride-induced tooth damage. The condition of teeth and bones may be the least of our worries, however. There have now been 26 published studies that indicate an association between fairly modest exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children. Promoters tell us that the level we add to water is very small (1.1 milligram per liter or 1.1 ppm) but that is actually greater than 250 times the level of fluoride that occurs in mothers’ milk (0.004 ppm, National Research Council, 2006, p.40).
Further, the prestigious National Research Council’s (NRC) 2006 fluoride report revealed that fluoride, even in low doses, can harm the thyroid gland, kidney patients, babies and high water drinkers. They also report studies linking fluoride to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). A study conducted at Harvard in 2001 and published in 2006 showed that young boys exposed to fluoridated water in their 6th to 8th years had a 5-7 fold increased risk of succumbing to osteosarcoma by the age of 20. Despite promises that this study would be refuted, no published study has done so.
As a result of the afore mentioned NRC report, government, health and dental organizations now advise against routinely mixing fluoridated water into infant formula to avoid dental fluorosis.
The National Kidney Foundation is among a growing list of organizations that has withdrawn its support of water fluoridation saying, “Individuals with CKD [Chronic Kidney Disease] should be notified of the potential risk of fluoride exposure.” The American Dental Association itself now admits fluoride is a concern to all kidney patients, not just those on dialysis.
Fluoride is not a nutrient or essential for healthy teeth. Fluoride is regulated as a drug in toothpaste by the FDA. Fluoride supplements have never been FDA safety tested and it classifies fluoride as an “unapproved drug.” The EPA regards the type of fluoride used to supplement water supplies as a contaminant. Even the CDC reports on its website saying, “It is not CDC’s task to determine what levels of fluoride in water are safe.” If it is not the CDC’s task, and the FDA refuses to do it, then whose task is it? Is the Milwaukee Common Council expected to do this?
While the less toxic calcium fluoride does appear in some waters naturally (.17 ppm in Lake Michigan water), Milwaukee adds hydrofluosilicic acid, a waste product of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing captured in its smokestacks, trucked as hazardous waste then injected unpurified into the water supply. These industrial grade fluoridation chemicals contain trace amounts of lead, arsenic, mercury, and other toxins. Arsenic is a known human carcinogen for which there is no safe level. By using these fluoridating chemicals we are knowingly increasing the cancer risk for our citizens. Why should we take these risks to reduce a negligible amount of tooth decay? Such a policy is reckless to say the least.
The ADA continues to actively promote the expansion of water fluoridation programs at the same time the CDC admits growing numbers of kids are fluoride-overdosed. National statistics show that tooth decay has grown in numbers and severity in toddlers more recently, and untreated tooth decay has grown in many age groups. The Pew Foundation reports “preventable dental conditions were the primary reason for 830,590 ER visits by Americans in 2009—a 16 percent increase from 2006.”
Americans are fluoride-overdosed and dentist-deficient. The lack of accessible, affordable dental care to many Milwaukee and Wisconsin residents has been widely reported. With no evidence, some claim that fluoridation helps the poor the most. Actually, the poor and malnourished are the most harmed by fluoride. They also are least in a position to afford expensive filtration systems required to remove fluoride from water, making this an environmental justice situation. According to civil rights leader and former mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young, “I am most deeply concerned for poor families who have babies: if they cannot afford unfluoridated water for their babies’ milk formula, do their babies not count?”
We have served as guinea pigs in this ongoing and failed experiment for far too long. In my position as Alderman, it is my duty to promote the health, safety and welfare of all our residents. Adding fluoride chemicals into our public water supply runs counter to this and therefore needs to end.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Breaking News on the Fluoride Front in Milwaukee, our efforts have been taken note of, and Alderman Jim Bohl has taken the initiative of exploring the dangers of Water Fluoridation in this city! He has developed two (.pdf) files containing numerous amounts of information and articles relating to the dangers Water Fluoridation. In the coming days this will be news!
The Common Council's Steering and Rules committee will be meeting Thursday May 31st, at 1:30 PM to discuss Water Fluoridation. We need you to show up and let your voice be heard!
Community Fluoride Study Part 1 (PDF)
Community Fluoride Study Part 2 (PDF)
The Common Council's Steering and Rules committee will be meeting Thursday May 31st, at 1:30 PM to discuss Water Fluoridation. We need you to show up and let your voice be heard!
Community Fluoride Study Part 1 (PDF)
Community Fluoride Study Part 2 (PDF)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
These Bottled Water Brands Contain Fluoride
As found by the International Bottled Water Association, these following brands in America contain Fluoride, it would be best to avoid these brands.

Notice some of the major brands found at your local stores.
Notice some of the major brands found at your local stores.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Op Ed on Study proving ineffectivness of Fluoridation on Cavities
New research shows that fluoride chemicals added to U.S. public water supplies are not reducing tooth decay as promoted and promised by government agencies, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF). Using federal statistics, the West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoridation-exposed rural children.... Read the rest of the article here
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Water Fluoridation eliminated in Albuquerque, NM
The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico's Water Authority has ended water fluoridation in that city. As is usually the case, little information has been spread by the media about this victory. And the articles that do exist interview uniformed citizens and dentists, not a toxicologist or chemist in sight!
Albuquerque is home to nearly 550,000 residents.
Here's the original article for you enjoyment: KOB News Article
Albuquerque is home to nearly 550,000 residents.
Here's the original article for you enjoyment: KOB News Article
Friday, April 6, 2012
Milwaukee, WE can end Water Fluoridation
We are launching into a grass-roots campaign to end Water Fluoridation in Milwaukee, WI. Our Mission - There is NO scientific evidence relating to the ingesting of Fluoride being beneficial to one's teeth. In fact, to the contrary, the scientific evidence shows that Fluoride can harm the body in numerous ways when ingested (Swallowed). Health Effects
We want the entire City, the entire State, the entire Country to wake up and realize that we have been had. There is a reason why your toothpaste tells you not to swallow because of the Fluoride contained, so why do we willingly Drink Fluoride in water, Shower in Fluoride, and Cook with Fluoride?
Please take some time on our Page, learn more about the dangers of Fluoride, and then once you realize the dire consequences of Fluoridation, SPREAD THE WORD! Print off flyers - FLYERS HERE - And tell your family and friends that there's something in the water!
Remember Fluoride is Poison, it says so right on the bags of silicofluorides that they pour into our drinking supply at the Water Treatment Plant!
Thank You For Your Support,
-End Fluoride Milwaukee
We want the entire City, the entire State, the entire Country to wake up and realize that we have been had. There is a reason why your toothpaste tells you not to swallow because of the Fluoride contained, so why do we willingly Drink Fluoride in water, Shower in Fluoride, and Cook with Fluoride?
Please take some time on our Page, learn more about the dangers of Fluoride, and then once you realize the dire consequences of Fluoridation, SPREAD THE WORD! Print off flyers - FLYERS HERE - And tell your family and friends that there's something in the water!
Remember Fluoride is Poison, it says so right on the bags of silicofluorides that they pour into our drinking supply at the Water Treatment Plant!
Thank You For Your Support,
-End Fluoride Milwaukee
University of Texas to Install Fluoride Filters on Drinking Fountains
(Austin, TX)
The Student Government at the University of Texas has voted to pass a bill that would install Fluoride filters on at least two drinking fountains on the Campus. This may seem like a small step, but it is a large step in admitting that Fluoridation is a problem and alternatives need to be provided, should our governments continue to force Fluoridation. The Student Government was most concerned with the numerous health consequences related to the ingestion of Fluoride stating: “But the toothpaste label says not to swallow. When the fluoride is in the water, it is being swallowed so it’s not just on our teeth anymore. It’s in our bodies where it’s not helpful.”
Read the Original Article Here: Daily Texan - Fluoride Free
The Student Government at the University of Texas has voted to pass a bill that would install Fluoride filters on at least two drinking fountains on the Campus. This may seem like a small step, but it is a large step in admitting that Fluoridation is a problem and alternatives need to be provided, should our governments continue to force Fluoridation. The Student Government was most concerned with the numerous health consequences related to the ingestion of Fluoride stating: “But the toothpaste label says not to swallow. When the fluoride is in the water, it is being swallowed so it’s not just on our teeth anymore. It’s in our bodies where it’s not helpful.”
Read the Original Article Here: Daily Texan - Fluoride Free
Monday, March 26, 2012
Fluoride Battle Brewing in Montana?
Citizens in Bozeman, Montana have begun to gather signatures on a petition calling for the ending of Water Fluoridation in the city. The activists are making the correct claim that Fluoride is in fact a poison, and a toxin, and should not be in drinking water. Opponents like local dentists, and water treatment workers (The one's with the most pride to lose is Fluoridation is ended) say that Fluoride is proven to increase dental health. Unfortunately proponents of Water Fluoridation can not point to a single scientific study to back their claims that ingesting Fluoride improves dental health!
Unfortunately politicians and unqualified representatives have been and still are making the decisions about Water Fluoridation, not Chemists, and not Toxicologists. With any luck this will catch steam in Montana and bring about the ending of adding toxic chemicals to the water in that State.
Original Article Here: Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Unfortunately politicians and unqualified representatives have been and still are making the decisions about Water Fluoridation, not Chemists, and not Toxicologists. With any luck this will catch steam in Montana and bring about the ending of adding toxic chemicals to the water in that State.
Original Article Here: Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Bourbon Indiana Ends Water Fluoridation
The Town Council of Bourbon, Indiana has voted unanimously to remove Fluoride from the drinking water supply. The town's water inspector told the council that there was no law mandating Fluoridation, and after admitting that the evidence of benefits of Water Fluoridation are shaky at best the Town Council voted to end Water Fluoridation. The Anti-Fluoride movement continues...
See the original article here: Natural News
See the original article here: Natural News
Monday, March 19, 2012
End Fluoride Milwaukee is looking for interested helpers to help start a grass roots movement to eliminate Water Fluoridation in Milwaukee. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated!
Please go to our Facebook Page and write on our wall if you would like to help:
or email us at:
or leave a comment here!
Please go to our Facebook Page and write on our wall if you would like to help:
or email us at:
or leave a comment here!
New Hampshire House Passes Fluoride Warning Bill
The New Hampshire House of Representatives recently passed an amendment to a Bill that would end Water Fluoridation in the State. Passing by a vote of 253 - 23 the measure recommends making it law that any residential water system who is fluoridation the water must state:
The next step requires the bill to be passed by the State Senate in New Hampshire. While this is not a major victory it is sure to get the attention of the public. With any luck this will act to further the Anti-Fluoride movement in New Hampshire and the U.S.
This news comes from the Fluoride Action Network, please visit: www.FluorideAlert.org for more information!
“Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child’s health care provider for more information.”This notice must be placed in a conspicuous location on every water bill sent to any resident.
The next step requires the bill to be passed by the State Senate in New Hampshire. While this is not a major victory it is sure to get the attention of the public. With any luck this will act to further the Anti-Fluoride movement in New Hampshire and the U.S.
This news comes from the Fluoride Action Network, please visit: www.FluorideAlert.org for more information!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Tecumseh, Ontario, suburb of Windsor in favor of Fluoride Removal
Tecumseh, Ontario a city outside of Windsor, Ontario has voted in favor of asking the City of Windsor, Ontario to stop Water Fluoridation. Windsor will vote later this year on whether to remove Fluoride or keep it in the water. The position of Tecumseh may lead to the ending of the practice of Water Fluoridation in one of Canada's most populous cities. Windsor is also conveniently located directly across from Detroit, MI. With hope this movement might spread into America.
Original Article Here: Original - Click Here
Original Article Here: Original - Click Here
Friday, March 9, 2012
Bantwal: Victims of Fluorine Cylinder Blast Recovering (Fluorine Tank Explosion)
36 people including emergency responders were injured in India when a Fluorine (A similar chemical used in Fluoridation) Tank Exploded.
See original article here: ORIGINAL ARTICLE - DAIJI WORLD
See original article here: ORIGINAL ARTICLE - DAIJI WORLD
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